Virtually searching~
Are we even here?
As we sit, as we stand..
Slimmer in the faults
We try to pick
In our oversized curiosities,
Building red world
Diamond words
To fly,
To be realized,
To be among the brumation
Of other people,
That do not notice..we exist,

17 58

So she will here and wait
Between the doors of life and fate
On the bus through sorrow’s ivy gate
Little knowing what joys await
Those with trust and hope anticipate
The year ahead with gifts so great
Beyond what sorrows undulate
The chance to live
And recreate

7 67

“#Sit with me,” he said as his wings unfurled. He spoke of days gone by when we could fly freely amongst the trees and soar into the sky. A tear escaped his eye as he described fresh waters and clean land. I covered his hand with mine and leaned against him in comfort.

3 56

She urges them onward, beyond the crumbling stone keep & overgrown gardens, away from the motte-&-bailey & mud filled ditches. Their aching feet plunge into the frigid river, longing to & rest, but there is much ground to cover before nightfall. Before the dead wake.#vss365

15 129

After young days set
Years' harp ripples reflections
Skewed recollections

16 48

Fingers flew over the strings. Magic responded to her alone. The called them like the pied piper, drawing them to her. A trance held as she had them do her bidding. When the song ended they had no memory of her just a haunting melody replaying in their minds.

10 71

“Oh look!” Their eyes glistened with tears as the Robin danced on the windowsill. “It’s Dad, come to say Merry Christmas.”

The sighed. Damn those Robins, always distracting people. It dropped the note & flew off. They’d have to face the coming storm without warning

7 70

He kneeled down to hug & wiped off the head, him for everything he’d endured all these times. “The days will be cold going forward, I’ll not be returning here, it’s about time we will exist as one in the presence”

0 23

The Gift©️

God sends good
things in small packages.
And when the eagles fly high,
and a star in the sky—remember the for humanity
was born to rid iniquities. ✍️🏽

0 7

When gone
No grave needed
Proclaiming beloved mom

I tried
Not that I succeeded
Hope you’ll remember
I was a piece of a poem

Whispering love
Cheering you on
To be an innovator-Not an imitator
With my crayon & the heart of a dove

73 305

Each fallen moment
a berry between my teeth

sweet some sour
some half eaten, spitted bitter notes

my tongue an unending pathway
every inch a milestone

a cave of
commotion, judgement & imprints

I wish for the sky

here's where my tears falter
and words betray me

33 87

There's a lull
Of sweet rapture
Kissing the caves of our eyes
Of our sighs
That we scandalize
Beyond wicked depths
That we stirp
With a kiss
Into bliss
Every wish
Dancing us further
Outside the restrictions..
Of time

9 32

She crashed from cerulean skies. A fallen angel simply looking for love. Lucifer caught her. A tenderness he had never felt, whispered to his soul. A of longing, finally filling with hope... 🖤❤️🤍

3 30

Lead. Guide. Guard.©️

Archangel Raphael's to Tobias was a divine healer. He, like Michael, is a warrior & angel of healing. His serious nature is the sweetest —that bites like rumblings.✍️🏽#vss365

0 7

A time to slow down &
Giving thanks for all we have.
Also with gentle
some magical changes.
As eyes face the year ahead
with love, optimism, faith &
For a future where all our
hopes & dreams come true. 🧡

🎨 Veronica Minozzi

82 178

Meet me in the celestial midway
Of our souls,
Where winter colours
Are vibrant with the turning stars,
We’ll dance hypnotic
To untamed
Of tenebrous murmurs..
And kiss the birth
Of persuasion away,
Becoming all that we ever..are,


17 52

we with faceless writers
drunk on digital scribbles.

spyders spin webs with
all sorts of fizzy words
rooted in poetry.

multi-instrumentalists, we
sing the song that so0ots us.

bionic cadences chant
sorry for being so awesome
all the time.

21 119

In the end
By the final design
Remains a fallen angel
A lonely soul who has
Through your remains
He will never speak
But he will also never listen
Only the forest will hear him
This soul-collector
Will not allow those who punish
To go unpunished
To be unbid

1 6

The Silence descended Earth, all bird song muted. For 2 days this was r new norm. On the 2nd day a low rumble emitted from the Earths core.
“Run don’t The newsreader told those of us living near the equator. Our planet was separating & a new dawn was being born.

3 17