【フライヤー情報】こんばんは!ぼくあかごはんアンソロジー第一弾フライヤーをCOMICCITYSPARK10 東3モ29bにて配布いたします!秋の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだお腹のなる一枚になっております!ぜひお手に取ってくださいませ~!

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MEDITERRANEAN SUNSET, an original work by the artist, not a print. 30 x 22 https://t.co/zMB6wFMwIm

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There's also a lot of procedural/glitchy/arty cityscapes explorers out there

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Epic futuristic cityscapes and sci-fi themed artworks from Scott Richard - http://t.co/M0LhpcWiUU

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10/4 CIMICCITYSARK10と冬コミの申し込みしました!黒火ちゃん!!スパークは黒火&桃青堰堤の火青なのでいろいろ誤解のないように黒火に配置してくださいって備考には書いておきました!

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"Morning from Monument Grounds' ~ cityscape on canvas

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Beautiful cityscapes & architecture in watercolor by Grzegorz Wróbel, LInes and Colors: http://t.co/eD06d1Iu4G

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NEW WORK! 's incredible London wifi cityscape for is now out. Tell us if you spot one on the tube.

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MEDITERRANEAN SUNSET, an original work by the artist, not a print. 30 x 22 https://t.co/zMB6wG486W

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Honorable Mention The Cityscape Collection.
Zhe Zhu from China.

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Sometimes I forget that is Shot a few nights ago.

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