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Since this is a hill many people are willing to die on, here's an edit of the Stargazer corridor with carpet compared to the actual flooring. 😆 #USSStargazer #StarTrekPicard #CarpetFloors #Stargazer @trekyards @DaveBlass @TerryMatalas
@providedduck Oh, and another corridor. I believe leads to Main Engineering.
The King in Yellow
#Thekinginyellow #HorrorCommunity #horror #Corridors
Catradora's exclusive love language is running together at random corridors while laughing and i think that's beautiful
@AerowKnight 1984 meets manga: neurodivergent woman tries to break free from her cult-like government and boyfriend after uncovering their lies through the folding corridors of a paper crane labyrinth. #theshadowprophet
"When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor"
大食らいステージなので短めですが投稿しました♪(ᐡᴗ ̫ ᴗᐡ)良かったらよろしくです♪
#ShadowCorridor2 #新人Vtuver
Finished recreating the Venator Class Star Destroyer hallway/corridor 3D model. You will be able to purchase it on @gumroad. https://t.co/DYsEY6yTOG
#StarWars #Blender3d #b3d #3D #3dmodeling #3dart
Newest addition to my #MOTU redesigns... Filmation's Fang Man. I still remember waiting to see him in other eps after 'Time corridor' as a kid but it never happened. 😓 Anyway hope you like the design for #MOTUdrawingchallenge . #MastersoftheUniverse #conceptart #characterdesign
I wanna say I was inspired by that piece that 1 artist did recently of them getting pushed up against a corridor wall together but also sometimes a girl just wants to draw lizard pheromone Threshold!Janeway happening to be in close proximity to Chakotay hahaha.
影廊#5用のイラストできたのでまた機会見つけて配信しときます♪( ˊᵕˋ ;)💦今更ですがサムネイラストに需要があるのか気になる…💭何とか最終回までは続けたい気持ち(っ﹏-๑)
#ShadowCorridor #ホラーゲーム
"As I became a creature of the empty tunnels, survival became easier and more difficult all at once. . . My enemy was solitude, the interminable, incessant silence of hushed corridors." ― R.A. Salvatore, Exile
Art by Kristina Carroll
ニャンプーの影廊-Shadow Corridor ♯4 https://t.co/Yv9umSHNrv @YouTubeより
#SmilingFriends bg art pt. 7 - Frowning Friends
The corridor boss busts into is my fav >:^)
( ᜊ°-° )ᜊ何となくホラーチョイスしましたがホラーゲームに特化したVになるのもいいかなぁと思ったりしてます♪
#新人Vtuber #ShadowCorridor
ニャンプーの影廊-Shadow Corridor ♯3 https://t.co/phouDBMvED @YouTubeより
Part3上げましたがまた音量ミスで声小さめになってます( ˊᵕˋ ;)💦原因は多分マイクのツマミが最大になってなかったことだと思うので次までには治ってる予定ですが今回は映像メインで観てください…💦
影廊用のイラストできたのでまた近々続き撮るかもですが間あけちゃってまた恥ずかしさ戻って来そうなので生放送にするかどうかは考え中です( ˊᵕˋ ;)💦イマジナリーフレンド持ちなので人いなくても独り言は苦にならないニャンプーです😅
#ShadowCorridor #新人Vtuber