Meet Jo Goldberg! She loves reading, repairing books, & k1lling obstacles in the way of true love! (My gender-bend version of Joe Goldberg, from the book & tv series, "You.")

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"Happy X-mas Eve! Merry Christmas, to all that celebrate!" Lythena called out, as she skated passed, ever so elegantly. She looks like a Crystal Christmas Angel!

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My gentle, koala-girl, Vienna, is all snuggled up, in her bed. She loves to take lots of naps.

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Lythena & I, spent some time, after her work hours, together. Just watching her clean a wine glass, has me mesmerized. *swoon*

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❤Lucky Rebel🍀, is my "White Christmas," entry! So, if you see her, we'd appreciate any votes!🎄❄🎁

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Vienna, in a cute night time setup. Adorable rec by, Yawndeer!

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Lythena's enjoying a refreshing fruit bath. Vienna, is picking some pretty flowers. Idris, is well... she's ready to dominate! All awesome recs by, Hikari!

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Pixal Heart, Lucky Rebel, & Alora Moxie, are all in awesome recs by, Zolzon!

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Lythena, has shapeshifted into a magical fae/fairy!🧚🏻‍♀️ Beautiful rec by, Tsukuru!

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"You will be mine. It's not that I'm a jealous woman- I JUST DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE TOUCHING MY THINGS!!" -Idris Rose🥀 (quote inspired by Moulin Rouge)

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Pixal Heart, is having a fun time, playing a vocaliod! She's actually a beautiful singer; doesn't sound like an android at all.

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Alora Moxie (tsundere) & Vienna (gentle koala-girl) are both in adorable Autumn recs by, Ryou Bakura!

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Pick your favorite & comment the emoji, for the best "White Christmas" girl: 1.💜(Lythena) 2.🍀(Lucky)

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"G'Day, my Love," a gentle Vienna spoke, to me. "I'm throwing you, my version, of an Aussie Christmas! Here, take this drink & I'll grab you a kabob, right off the barbie!"

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"🎶Silent night...🎵" Idris hummed to herself, as she decorated for the holidays. "S-Senpai, I only have one key to my heart. Please, take it & never let me go..." Her eyes became entranced, "Or else! Huhuhu..."

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"Happy December! It's hard to believe it's the last month of 2021. It went by so fast!" Exclaimed Lythena. "Anyways, I just love the winter season! Don't you? Why don't you come cuddle & I'll keep you warm."

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🎶"You're always around & hard to get away from. You talk about love & passion. Your words replay, in my mind, making me lose traction. Suddenly realizing how blind I've been, when I feel your touch, on my skin..."🎶 Alora sang to me.

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"I may be just a koala-girl, but that doesn't mean I can't relate to Pandas," began Vienna. "We both eat lots of leaves & take lots of naps! Huhu!"

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"It may be approaching winter, but I must still attend to my garden. I'm so happy the frost hasn't hurt any of my plants," explained Vienna, in a gentle voice.

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