Characters for AGL LR Trunks EZA

23 365

New missions:

Complete 5 events with Target Goku

Rainbow Str Android 13 and Dokkan Awaken him

We'll probably have to use him in PB Trunks' eza. Str A13 Eza coming soon? 👀

12 159

Cant wait for these two to EZA

Giant Ape Power will be even more cracked than it already is

14 262

Really hope they Eza in November

4 224

Thx for coming to my Re-debut~
Aku gak bikin Video Stream or Premiere, Just Upload :>

but still, thx you guys for coming!
so hemlo my name is Eza Cancan and my Stage name is CANCNCN!

14 50

Great Ape Eza details thread

11 233

Eza stats

11093 hp 11855 atk 5507 def 0%

13093 hp 13855 atk 7507 def 55%

16493 hp 16855 atk 10107 def 100%

5 61

Everyone’s talking about a PHY Kefla EZA but I wanna see this guy get an EZA too 🗿

2 78

This goku is so slept on, I hardly hear anybody talking about this guy after his eza

0 24

Cannot wait for these dudes to EZA.

Would be nice to have them be useful 🗿

1 61

LR Dazzling Life Force Bardock EZA Event {Global} [THREAD]

1 23

In the flipside, many that didn't get an EZA on release were pretty much DoA.

Gohan also includes the other MBS Goku's family units and Cooler ALL the metal coolers.

Might just be me since I've got a strong box, but I've never used these units cuz no EZA abilities.

0 14

So I heard STR SSJ Goku get removed when LR Bojack is coming and now he is back and get awakened, means they have chance of returned in game. When they are finally back and need get awakened expect Arale, maybe she need EZA. This is nice

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