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I wanted to design a Summer Banner for FEH, so here's the first unit!! ☀️☀️☀️

[Micaiah - Tourist of Dawn]
Type of Unit: Red Mage || Infantry
Weapon: Holiday Brochure

15 18

I hear Kaze's voice in FEH, and can't help but imagine this

I'm not sorry

12 33

When I started playing FEH, Salena was my favourite character in this game because of her Tsundere personality...

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Im quite excited for the new Spring banner coming to FEH si i decided to do a Spring version of my new favorite unit on FEH, Morgan (F)!!

3 15

We will get Feh, just not like a BU.

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Spring Yarne! My take on a Spring seasonal in feh, I just wanted units that actually felt more natural in the seasons they represent, have a genuine bunny boy. Thanks you for suggesting Yarne!

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Dreaming of that all Hoshidan banner some day for FEH, here's to hoping. IntSys I'm looking at you

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rough doodles of fjorm and laevatein from feh, i'm super rusty rn

5 15

to you all who has ever asked me about robin in feh, i'm finally doing a summary of everything abt robin (that i know)

pls look forward 🙏🏻💦

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Works by Nengi Omuku, Tamsin Relly & Harold Offeh,who'll all be involved in our new project at Eileen Skellern 1 PICU for women

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In light of the new event @ feh, I doodled my outlaw child as a songstress :'^)

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I finally got a Klein in feh, though only 4*. Gave me an excuse to draw him though ☺️

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So I asked “Make me look young and relevant for all the dubstep kids!” Feh. FEH, I say! ::grump::

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