# annabelle horror horrorart horrorfilms posterart posterdesign posterartist movie movieposter poster design designer art artist talenthouseartist illustrator illustration illustrationart illustrationartists alternativemovieposter it frightfestpresents stephenking horrorfiction horrorpaperbacks horrormovies horrormovie horrorfans filmmaking horroraddict scary bodyhorror poe gothic edgarallanpoe supportindiefilm thriller indiehorror mystery utah filmtwitter book horrorretweets author classic telltale telltaleheart books bookstagram artistsoninstagram actor actors actorlife actorslife write writers tv filmdirector filmmakers filmmaker authors crime london kindle merrychristmas girl scarymovie trivia horrortrivia new digitalart artwork fanart toon cartoon doodle halloween michaelmyers slasher fear sandworms betelgeuse beetlejuice timburton inktober inktober2018 inktober2018day8 darkart darkartists horrorartwork beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice darkartandcraft classichorrorfilms zombie zombieart zombieportraits robsacchetto sacchettozombieart zombiemovies zombieapocalypse gore ghouls evildead walkingdead artistforhire vampire mangaart sorciere witch bonnieaarons demonnun jameswan demon horrorcosplay horrorcon horrorgram horroricon sfxmakeup cosplay thenunmovie ho freecomicbookday comics fcbd fcbd2018 primevideo obscuremoviedeaths hellraiser 365deaths 365stickpersons carregha drawing dibujo color monitodepalo death challenge candoit cd dancefloor cenobite blood animalalphabets scarystories scifi

We all float down here 🎈 With this piece I wanted the hair to flow upwards like a stream of blood as Pennywise’s victims sink into him.

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Frightfest Glasgow maybe over but that doesn't mean the scares have to end.

FRIGHT FEST is out now on Digital HD.


Blood runs rampant on Halloween night.

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If you're looking for a horror movie to watch this Christmas Eve, check out A CHRISTMAS HORROR STORY! This fan favorite played the Mile High Horror Film Festival in 2015.

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