not sure why I decided to wait until now to play Dragon Quest, but it's pretty good

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Bakugo can step on me but only because it’s 💥 Tread

3 4

Inktober 2019 Day 20: Voodoo
Fuan Li seems to have a target (any likeness is accidental, I was making generic fox), and they seem to need a little punishment.

Inktober Prompts:

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Cute tank for the word tread! I don’t know if y’all can tell but I really love the color pink

1 4

Inktober Day 20: Tread
The Silent, my favorite character from StS, treading through the Spire (I wanted to draw them climbing from one floor to the next lol)

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Day 20 is Phantos!! One of the servants probably told him something that he should stop doing, and this is his response... x,D;

2 5

me está gustando mucho la parte de dar color la verdad ☺

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uma ciclope linda e querida q merece um final feliz com a cor

7 19

No steppy!! I only support one (1) sentient plant - here’s day 20 with “tread”

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- 🔫 Celui-ci arrive un peu plus tard 😅 - Mon Insta:

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