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Happy Birthday to Sir Israel Brodie, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, born on this day in 1895.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#IsraelBrodie #Rabbi #Judaism #greatbritain #GrandChaplain #UGLE #UnitedGrandLodgeOfEngland #Freemasons #Freemasonry #sketch
Happy Birthday to Harry S. Truman, 33rd US President, born on this day in 1884.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#HarrySTruman #POTUS #presidentoftheunitedstates #WhiteHouse #WashingtonDC #AmericanHistory #history #Freemasons #Freemasonry #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfMissouri #sketch
Audie Murphy
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AudieMurphy #actor #History #WorldWarII #WWII #hero #MedalOfHonor #TravisSimpkins #Freemasons #Freemasonry #ScottishRite #Western #singersongwriter #music #Countrymusic #USArmy #AmericanHistory #portrait #sketch
May 3, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, India (now in Pakistan).
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RudyardKipling #Freemasons #Freemasonry #literature #NobelPrize #poet #poetry
May 2, 1726: Voltaire was released from the Bastille and sent into exile in England.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Voltaire #Bastille #Exile #Philosophy #satire #Enlightenment #knowledge #wisdom #Philosopher #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #history
Tom Mix
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#TomMix #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #History #art #portrait #sketch #Film #cinema #Hollywood #movies #SilentFilms #Cowboy #OldWest #Western #GrandLodgeOfCalifornia
S. Brent Morris, 33°, GC
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#SBrentMorris #QuatuorCoronati #ScottishRite #SupremeCouncil #HouseOfTheTemple #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #sketch #portrait #art #Magic #ScottishRiteJournal #Masonic #books #knowledge
Happy Birthday to James Monroe, born on this day in 1758.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#JamesMonroe #MonroeDoctrine #AmericanHistory #foundingfathers #POTUS #presidentoftheunitedstates #WhiteHouse #WashingtonDC #GrandLodgeOfVirginia #Freemasons #freemasonry
Happy Birthday to M.W. Stanley F. Maxwell, Past Grand Master of Massachusetts and Past SGC of the Scottish Rite NMJ, born on this day in 1910.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfMassachusetts #MassachusettsFreemasonry #Freemasons #Freemasonry #ScottishRite
William Robert Woodman
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WilliamRobertWoodman #Qabalah #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #Occult #esoteric #Magick #CeremonialMagick #HermeticOrderOfTheGoldenDawn #Tarot #UnitedGrandLodgeOfEngland #UGLE #art #sketch
John William McNaughton, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#JohnWilliamMcNaughton #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #SovereignGrandCommander #art #portrait #sketch
M.W. Robert G. Davis. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RobertDavis #GrandLodgeOfOklahoma #Freemasons #GrandMaster #Freemasonry #RobertGDavis #TravisSimpkins #ScottishRite #Ritual #Masonic #art #portrait #sketch
April 20, 2010: The 2nd edition of “The Key to Solomon's Key”, by Lon Milo DuQuette, was published by Weiser Books.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#LonMiloDuQuette #KingSolomon #Goetia #Magick #KnightsTemplar #Freemasonry #Masonic #Secret #WeiserBooks #art
April 17, 1790: Benjamin Franklin died at the age of 84 in Philadelphia.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BenjaminFranklin #Philadelphia #FoundingFathers #AmericanHistory #Inventor #Statesman #GrandLodgeOfPennsylvania #PennsylvaniaFreemasonry #Freemasons
April 12, 1926: Paul Foster Case was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Fairport Lodge No. 476 in Fairport, New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#PaulFosterCase #BOTA #BuildersOfTheAdytum #Occult #Tarot #Magick #esoteric #Freemasonry #art #sketch
April 10, 1902: A.E. Waite was admitted to the grade of Zelator in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AEWaite #ArthurEdwardWaite #SRIA #Magick #Occult #Rosicrucian #Freemasons #Freemasonry #esoteric #mystic #art
April 5, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was initiated an Entered Apprentice (by dispensation) in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RudyardKipling #NobelPrize #Author #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins
Timothy Hogan
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#TimothyHogan #KnightsTemplar #alchemy #Rosicrucian #AncientMysteries #Philosophy #Occult #esoteric #knowledge #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #Magick #Qabalah
April 4, 1778: Voltaire was initiated into Freemasonry at the Loge des Neuf Soeurs in Paris. He was conducted through the degree by Benjamin Franklin.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Voltaire #Enlightenment #philosopher #Freemasonry #Freemasons #knowledge
April 2, 1870: Buffalo Bill Cody was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, in North Platte, Nebraska.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BuffaloBill #WilliamFCody #Fellowcraft #Freemasons #Freemasonry #History #WildWest #OldWest #art