Small illustration of Ivy in a cute pink dress ❤️
I wated to draw some flowers and ended up with this, I usually draw Ivy in green or dark colours so this was a nice change of peace

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Thinking you were just drawing a normal bunny when in fact you were making a demon spawn

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so much for having a scary Xaela character ^^' she turned out allot more curious, though shes still snarky!

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Finally finished with Tatiana's ref sheet! Mind you, anatomy still escapes me but I did pretty good! Proud of her boots tbh

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Cause i'm in a mood! These are a few years old now and a little out of date, But for those who did'nt know my Oc Cc was orignally a Borderlands oc. She still basically is but shes got other thing I use her for here and there.

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Jesus Christ!, I don't know wath to draw for tomorrow, I mean, I'm waiting to KH3 release for do a fanart of Aqua, Kairi or Namine... or the three, I duno... wait a sec.. this is the next thursday. I don't said nothing :)

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sorry for don't post something more interesting :(

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