How did you feel reading that JAMMF was dead? (I mean, WE knew he wasn't, but still...)

0 8

Shall we discuss Frank's letter to Brianna?

0 29

Were you surprised that Jamie showed his scars to his audience in France?

0 7

How did you feel about Rachel's observation about friends and enemies?
William's reply?

0 3

Could you stand to stay in the operating room while a loved one had surgery?

7 23

Would you tell Buck about his true origins if you were Roger/Bree?

1 2

Do you think dogs or children are good judges of character?

0 7

Just a sidenote, really... How did you feel about Ian's last words to Jamie?

2 14

Were you surprised that Jenny wanted to leave Lallybroch?

0 5

Were you surprised old Ned Gowan was still alive to draw up the new contracts?

0 28

What did you think of Ian's justification for killing men - ok for money, but not for spite?

0 7

What's more important in a marriage than the ability to make each other laugh?

0 10

Why do you suppose Wee Ian felt compelled to put on his Mohawk finery to return to Lallybroch?

3 23

Did you think Rollo was a good engagement present?

1 12

How did you feel finding Buchleigh in 1970s Scotland?

0 6

What would you do faced with Ian's choice over Rollo?

0 6

Do you think Ian acted a bit rashly in killing the would be blackmailer?

1 7

Ever been in love with the wrong person?

0 6

How would you feel about fighting a man in battle who you knew as a young boy?

0 12

Good thing Hamish believes that the British killed his Uncle Dougal, aye?

1 22