RUNAWAYS sets up the oddest yet most gripping challenge for the found family's dynamic. 8.5/10

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Karolina Dean being drawn as the lesbian flag on Runaways covers

47 238

OH MY GOOD LORD this comic is doing things no other marvel comic is even capable of! this issue has, what, three scenes in it? and each one is a whirlwind of emotion using every panel to the fullest ADVANTAGE. what astonishing work! and THAT ENDING. WOW.

0 4

Runaways - (W)   (A) Andres Genolet (CA) - in stores this week! -

1 1

Runaways (2017-) 読みました、チェイスの前に現れた彼女は未来からやって来た21歳のガートで…一方、現在の16歳のガートとヴィクター君は…

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Wrapping up our time with the Runaways! Wolverine and Pixie get their gal... only it ain't the one they thought it'd be! Plus a whole lot of Runaways-stuff happens which I lack the context to truly appreciate
X-Lapsed, Episode 188 - Runaways (vol.5)

4 6

Art Andrés Genolet

The solicits for this book only say they can't solicit anything cause everything is spoilers!
I can say though that the ending of the last issue has got me THRILLED to read this one!

2 1

Damn. I just caught up on It's SO good, I know it has a die-hard fan base but it deserves so much more love! It's very MISFIT-NESS among more traditional cape books makes me love it all the more. ❤️❤️❤️

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155. Civil War: Young Avengers and Runaways Vol.1 (2006) nº 1 - 4

Guión: Zeb Wells
Dibujo y entintado: Stefano Caselli
Colorista: Daniele Rudoni

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Remember in 2013 or 14 Marvel created a new Avengers team called Avengers A.I., it had Hank Pym, Runaways Vic, Vision, a Doom bot, Monica Chang a Muslim shield agent. It was a weird book

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Just going to leave this one here...

Brian K Vaughn, writer of Saga, asked Whedon to write Runaways when he left the title. That's my tenuous link. Brilliant comic, though.

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still never gonna stop thinking about how every actual success comics had with manga audiences during the tokyopop bubble (runaways, ultimate spider-man, etc) were dismissed and they were baffled that things like The Mangaverse totally failed to begin with

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Some old Runaways fan art I'm still really proud of.

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Ne manquez pas l'épisode 26 de Virtual Runaways, aujourd'hui à 16h sur France !

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More Wolverine guest-appearancing in one of the few books that remembers that he is supposed to be a rather short fellow! Logan, Pixie, Molly and the rest go hunting in the void!
X-Lapsed, Episode 176 - Runaways (vol.5)

7 11

I haven't read that much but Victor Runaways sounds kinda cool, and is a Victor who isnt bad but may become bad and fights against that destiny

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