A Ko-fi commission was done for me by pilot-boi on Tumblr! Thank you! ❤️


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A commission was done for me by sketch-shepherd on Tumblr! Thank you! ❤️

Here's some Future! AU Blacksun for you guys with their RWBaby kid, Asra!


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A requested artwork was done for me by the lovely Stormwynds on DeviantArt! Thank you! ❤️


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A and Ko-fi commission was done for me by pilot-boi on Tumblr! Thank you! ❤️

Here's a movie double date!


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A and Ko-fi commission was done for me by pilot-boi on Tumblr! Thank you! ❤️

Here's a café double date!


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As we wait for to continue in Vacuo, I had create this featuring what I'd hope to expect from a reunion. FTW!

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I guess you could count this as a face reveal, in a way! 💛

I commissioned the lovely to draw me and as and from Thank you so much, Pasita!


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i hosted a giveaway that ended a few days ago, and was one of the winners! congrats on winning this sketch of blacksun, done by !


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