Work-in-progress of Fia's new sprite design! She's so happy to be here. ^^

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Hi there folks!! I just released the updated demo to Steam. Check it out if you've got some time.


Don't forget to add the game to your wishlist.

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And it has shading now! Gonna do some animations, and she'll be in the action very soon!

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WIP of Gale's new in-game sprite design. Her gloves are her primary weapons, so they are more emphasized now. Pew pew!

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I’m way into these crests for various shmups, part 3…


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I’m way into these crests for various shmups, part 2…

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I’m way into these crests for various shmups, part 1…

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Another great fanart from the awesome . Thanks again! this will definitely add to the game gallery.

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Was making on some assets for Steam and I felt like sharing this one.

Don't forget the wishlist if you like the game.

Get the demo on

10 27

Just Aya pretending that Altair is her ship in this poster :D

Get the demo on

6 19

Back to game dev stuff :) and summoning you guys again!
What else do yo wanna have in the sound options?

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Come join the Typhoon Unit discord! Chat with the dev and get access to work-in-progress builds of the game!

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The Steam Summer Sale has begun, and CAVE Shmups are on deep discount! Get Deathsmiles, Mushihimesama, Dodonpachi Resurrection all for 50% off or more!

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As Germans say ''A stone fell from my heart". The gamepad key mapping was successful and bug free, I'm happy. Next is the keyboard mapping.

PS: it was my own code, didn't watch any tutorial :)

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Did you know that the 2nd boss was supposed to has arms? I went lazy and didn't make them. But now I feel like they need to be added, since the whole gameplay of that level has some remake planned.

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