Page 1 of an old tf/possession comic I did in 2019 based off of an old Japanese game with Merlock getting turned into a dragon warlock.

Link to video comic is based off of:

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Here are the drawings from today’s stream! Malik, a human pact of the genie warlock. We also started a sketch of Avarice, a tiefling life domain cleric.

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Tada! Another member of Flich’s party, the Christmas Hellraisers! This is Malim, our Tiefling Warlock. He’s looking for a good lawyer to break the deal his family made with a demon, and traveling with us to help with our Giant problems. He also loves chaos, but who doesn’t?

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I forgot I should probably post here and not just on Instagram! Here’s a finished piece of my pallid elf warlock. He used to be part of a troupe that travelled and performed. ✨ Makeup is fun

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Jade. Tiefling, Warlock.

Is that an edgy OC?
Definitely different from my usual happy and sparkly characters. I love her 🖤

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well here are some of my villain OCs i got so far. all the Demon ones (not to scale), the Titans (not Rhea and Prometheus), Zee and the Elemental Warlock. which guys do yall like more?

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My character Aries! They’re a changling bard/warlock. They’re whole thing was they were romanced by an evil god at a you g age and now they’re out to stop him from destroying the world.

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I say I'm going to post my art here and then I again. Back to it! Another one of my characters, Master Eghen, warlock. If you think he looks evil... well, that's entirely on you and your tiefling prejudice.

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Chibi style commission, this time for a discord emoji!
Xay, the androgynous warlock.

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You have a large list here already but I can throw a couple of my dnd guys your way 😊 Im always excited to see them in other artists styles.
Savos Nevermind, tiefling warlock. And Rael, my earth genasi cleric/gladiator 💕

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Then there is Music, my timid & sweet tiefling warlock.

She comes from a rather sheltered background, & is learning the harsh reality of the world that exists outside of her books while trying to master her newfound magics.

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House Arcane features the wizard, sorcerer & warlock.


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My boi got some fun make up in our dnd meet up, so makeup and slight painting fixes 😌

My precious warlock. Lover of tattoos, fine clothes, and eldritch power

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Well, I have three D&D characters but they're all tieflings! Harmony the kind and thoughtful cleric, Charity the sheltered but sweet princess, and Nic Scratch the scheming, greedy warlock.

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Hello! I’m currently making a D&D comic about my warlock. There’s a link in my bio if you wanna read it ☺️🙏 other than that I mostly just draw cute girls✨

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Bijoux my awful spoiled trustfund warlock. her family supported the legion and Elisande but switched sides to back the resistance right at the very end when it was clear it was the losing side and sucked up enough that people bought it 🍷💚if only she could have green eyes :,(

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I don't really play WoW so much anymore, but I'll always love my void elf Warlock, Safrona. Even if she was more of a professional lush than a Warlock. I still write for her from time to time. :)

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