I dunno if I got the markings right on the jacket, the leak was hard to see but hopefully I did B3 BF justice

24 84


21 107

came up with an idea for the DDLC gals in B3 and I mentally snapped. B3 Dokis

12 72

so uhhhh
i made this swapped torment concept for an AU i have and i can't believe i actually managed to draw this

6 15

quick drawing before this storm turns off my power lol

22 102

boo, did the transgender pansexual over weight vampire women made you piss your pants?

11 73


15 49

Haaaappy....[Private] ANNIVERSARY, B3EO!
At this very exact time and date, I had drawn this silly goofy ship and shared it with a group of friends!
Happy birthday gay bitches /j
[ ]

47 180

햄버거나 맛있게 먹어라 아가들아

93 496