HANDS DOWN HE A GOOD EGGU DON'T BE DIFFICULT. BE A NICE COMMISSIONER. Remember even if you pay for something have respect, people take time, energy, effort etc to make sure YOU are satisfied. They are not a ragdoll, treat people how they are meant to be treated. With Compassion.

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Ace of Cups.
Love. Compassion. Creativity. Subconscious.
(Tarot Commission for Minto Zenko!)

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( Abstract Compassion. )

“60 x “30


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Superman has always been a favorite hero of mine, not because he's so great at battling monsters and bad guys, but he's so often shown expressing compassion. To me that's the mark of a real hero- the ability to have care, compassion and strength for others. Too bad he's fiction

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An old drawing that seems right for today. Thanks to all the girls who have changed the world with their courage, grit, and compassion. Don't be driven by fear.

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The prompt for this day was “light.” To me, the prompt light was an ethereal manifestation of goodness and love in my mind. So here’s a magic fairy of kindness and compassion. 🧚‍♀️

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A man's soul, split in two-- one the power, the other, the compassion. But at his core, in the fibers of his soul, he will always be one thing. A champion of Pelor.
Things are getting *really* interesting as we approach the end game.

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Ha ouais. Tiens, de la compassion.

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If you have a chance to be kind, be

If you have a chance to show compassion, show

If you have a chance to know love, know

If you have a chance to just ~

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Original Mandala art by ! I rarely work with pink but this mandala called out for for this palette. Pink is for good health, love, understanding, & compassion. Candy effect, plum filter & grape outline; original colouring 🇨🇦🤓🖌🎨❤️🕉☯️💜

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Will takes the bird home and with a lot of love, rest, and hope, the bird’s broken wing mends. I love how Graham shines the light on Will in his moment of compassion. One small act of kindness can go a long way.

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My continuing love for the game , still inspiring thoughts on self care and self compassion. This one has a soundtrack by the fabulous : https://t.co/egsDWnsbMR

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VIII - Strength | represents (inner) strength, courage, patience, control and compassion. | Runescape themed tarot card! 🃏

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New Oct20 page: Baltimore shows surprising depths of compassion.

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I cried!!! But it's a tears of joy and compassion.

I love this chapter 😭


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So happy to hear that we get another season of One Day At A Time – a rare show that strives for honesty, sweet silliness, and compassion. Much needed these days, and deserving of your eyeballs. Dalé, ODAAT! ❤️

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: quelques habitudes de Lautrec... dans les maisons closes. Il a su créer un lien particulier avec leurs pensionnaires qu'il dessine avec humanité et compassion. Il en résulte un témoignage juste et humain sur ces us et coutumes.

> https://t.co/xvcfEOWyGv

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A fresh and pretty reminder from the super talented and super Magazine! Check out these five benefits of https://t.co/Jn5QC9r2IW

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Prasiolite. A variety of quartz (which is commonly found in small quantities clay). Hardness of 7.
It is said to clear negativity, create a spiritual link with nature, and foster compassion.

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