Quick doodle, ranamon from digimon frontier

So....if a male human spirit digivolve using female digimon, is he really gonna be a female digimon O___O"

if yes, i want to be ranamon

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Kerubi's is normally Virtue when they digivolve into Cherubimon but that doesn't actually mean much. They're still the same chaotic gremlin they were as a Keramon.

...Also they seem to have noticed you... You probably should start running!

🎨: @/ThatPuggy

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like these guys are so so perfect, 10/10 designs you can't tell me they become any more exciting when they turn into the last thing. it is so boring by comparison i can't make out whats even happening!!!!!!!!!

also please dont digivolve boobs im begging

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He just wants to Digivolve

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Only complaint I have is it's not a warp digivolve sadly and I don't like when they make WarGreymon gigantic but either way still absolutely amazing!

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I have decided Sangloupmon is like my perfect aesthetic but since Matadormon can only digivolve into Piedmon in Dusk (which you can only get IF you had him already, that's till near end game)

I'm headcanoning my Gaomon to be able to go into Sangloupmon, Leomon, and Gaogamon UwU

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Guldo's Species can Digivolve into HIT,
Ala Impmon to Beelzemon https://t.co/G00slmoTox

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Digivolve too... Greymon!
So huge, a wonder he got to this stage with all that over feeding~

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How Agumon Should Digivolve!

Been rewatching the old Digimon series. So when I saw this screenshot by randomly while scrolling through Twitter, I just had to fatten him up!!!

I also haven't had any new commissions come in so I wanted to do a fat morph for myself.

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Final Smash: Warp digivolve to Waygreymon with Gabumon (who appears in his taunts) and then DNA Digivolve into Omnimon to use SUPREME CANNON on the stage.

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this person, but now with a lion (or the cat digivolved, idk which) :p

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What I say I'm gonna Digivolve Pulsemon into VS What I'm gonna end up getting

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Lil bastard thinks he's gonna digivolve into the most glorious angel ever. Ha, dude, you gonna be a gnarly dragon >:D PreppyTerriermon ..or something 😎

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Ash Digivolves to..... ASHNYAN! 😂

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He has an alternate Mega named WarPikemon, a dark Ultimate form called Henkermon and can armor digivolve into Rocmon using the Digi-Egg of Love

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Seu nome é baseado no dia do gato comemorado no Japão.
Ele está no nível adulto, é um amigo/rival da Tailmon e digivolve para um antigo inimigo dela.

Baseei o traço numa imagem da Mikemon nesse site: https://t.co/FfhIZoX51w

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Babydmon is precious and I can't wait to see wait to see what he could digivolve into 😍

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Come up with some cool names! I had a lot of fun trying to recreate the font.

Also, the original Baby and Training are not mine if you know who drew it please tag them!

Go for Ultimate? Dark

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