Conceptual study for a main villain for GG Zone, potentially called Nurarimon from "Nurarihyon". He is one of the first Digimon to become infected with GRB, hence his colors, and came into conflict with Dan and Hiro's dads in DigiWorld.

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Conceptual studies of GRB infected Digimon. Hydromon and later ChuuOgremon, would be among the first infected, albeit by accident, and proof of something bigger happening.

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Little colored piece I sketched up for fun, and to show off the colors of the redesigned Shamanmon ally for my comics.

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Some Zone centric art to celebrate the premier of Digimon Adventure:! Also a little tip of the hat to who had done such awesome sketches earlier and is going to be in DA:.

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A sketch based on a conversation and I had about Ordinemon’s sprite.

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Colored an earlier sketch of Tsunomon for DigiJuly.

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Did some color studies of some fan made Malice Bots I drew, based on Digimon Tamers 2018 CD Drama.

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