извините, но я не могу развидеть в хоумлендере эрвина смита

15 117

Eruri in Marley AU 🍭🍦This was heavily inspired by the new official Levi illustration 😁

83 363

Late birthday work for erwin but it’s out at least ✌️

107 614

“I’ll make you break your vows, Erwin Smith”.

Trans Succubus!Levi and Priest!Erwin for all the beautiful sinners. 🫦

225 1012

✨🐱✨🤏🔪🐈‍⬛ — Eruri cats 💛💚✨✨✨✨

13 39

aaaand here is a redraw w a twist! i present to you levi and erwin looking beautiful (whilst thinking ab eachother) in their own lil worlds ☁️

2 4

The 13th commander (Erwin Smith) and 14th commander of Survey Corps (Hange Zoë)
Art trade for 🥰 hope u like it

22 79

Let's pretend that Erwin got to see the ocean with Levi and they took this cute selfie together 🥺💙

75 350

Some sketches. (Maybe there’ll be a part 2 with a better version of some of them)

1 5

I revisioned this because of course I wasn’t happy
Dragonwin x

47 206

My first ever drawing on a tablet!
Had a fun time drawing these two cinnamon rolls 💜💚

2 13

Attack on Titan × Dark

Erwin!Noah. Я не хотела заморачиваться с фоном, поэтому взяла скриншот из сериала.

1 15

They both have almost da same B-day
(My OC Oct 13, Erwin Oct 14)

And they both meet but didn't went well tho,anyways happy B-day to both 💖💕💞

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