//=time() ?>
Heck, I think I'm finally in a place to do this. It's RAFFLE TIME!
Retweet this tweet to enter!
You MUST be following me too!
Winner gets a transparent shaded image in their style of choice!
Raffle ends on the 19th at midnight ETS
Good luck!!
Official teaser art for the next Uncanny Valley story By Me & @richquizzle which is currently in production. Stay tune for updates.
#illustration #comics #preview #watercolour #Chameleons #postapocalyptic #scifi #cyberpunk #dystopia
ゲームの方はPC版「Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons」をサクッとクリア後PC版「MAD MAX」をプレイ中。「Brothers」は評判通り短いながら満足感は高く面白かった。それと「ETS2」も新規で少し再開してるがマターリプレイはやはり良い。MADの管理が出来なくて入れたいMADを入れられないが。
Don’t let society decide who you are 💪🏻/ No deixis que el sistema et digui qui ets. #illustration #carrousel #society #desobediència @Picame @IllustrationAge
pas: ets2
because bucky knows his ass-ets 😉
(inspired by the @incorrectbucko tweet)
#stucky #stuckyart #stevebucky #steverogers #buckybarnes #captainamerica #wintersoldier
Ets un amant de l'animació? 🖌 Reconeixes aquestes obres? Apunta't la data!📆 Del 16.05 al 18.05 tindrà lloc el seminari del @FestivalNonStop amb 9 ponents de referència internacionals com @fmacmanus, @KindredConcepts, @rossierjess 👉🏼 https://t.co/A9EZM7WEBK
I'm trying my best but I dont think today's picture will be done tonight. : ( I was held up at work for almost five hours longer than I planned which really cut into art time today.
I made a little preview with some of the "ass"ets that will be in it! Need a break for now though
@Ijimiii awwwwww que bonica ets jo tmb t'estimo molt Hel <3