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I asked some friends what their zodiac signs were amd drew the corresponding homestuck characters to practice posing.
I really like the result lmao

4 11

Wanted to try my hand at reworking an old piece from 2012. Please ignore the attempt at sugar skull makeup foolish me did way back when Orz.
2019 vs 2012

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Invasive stink clown bothers a sweaty freight train...

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[blood tw]
I guess people are posting old homestuck art? Here's some pics I did from 2010.

(TAGS: , , , , )

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Hmmmmmaking something to kickmyself alive And here is the murderstuck trio! Might turn them into stickers, we will see

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I did a Gamzee Makara's fanart some days ago!

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He's like an angry kitten. You just can't fucking help snuggling this crabby little asshole no matter how puffed up and scary he tries to make himself

110 346

Some more Gamzee ships I like ^^, ( I tend to ship him with all the boys except Sollux, Not sure why ^^)
I drew the gamquius mainly for

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some gamJohn Doodles ^^(one of the MANY ships I like with gamzee XD)

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