Yes I'm alive! RL responsibilities have been ramping up again. Great timing as usual. Sorry for the gaps jn posts.

8 65

Oh no... It seems that the Frond Fossil you brought in is slightly damaged... Not to worry! Technology will fill in the gaps!

3 13

`"Your mind falls in the gaps" - by Ryan Murdock`

2 12

Todays’ is by
A collection of 3333 'fashionable and diverse' women on a mission to break through glass ceilings and close gender gaps!

1 10

隙間の神(英: God of the gaps)とは、現時点で科学知識で説明できない部分、すなわち「隙間」に神が存在するとする見方である。

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“Between the launching pad and the destination, the gaps are the most fulfilling.”

2 4

once again going all in with filling in gaps and making a ton of npcs for rp purposes 🙃

1 11

Hey Benjamin, this piece is about how tech and vr can close gaps for disadvantaged kids in education. Hope you like it bro. Cc
0.4E Drew the wheelchair and girl with charcoal, rest is digital

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'No Limits'
0.4E... it is About how vr and tech can bridge certain gaps in education for the disadvantaged. Full description is on: Comes with a print

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current WIPS are all over the place. There may be gaps in art posts, but I'm always working on something.

2 20

Ppgs but they have age gaps

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