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The world need more LiXuan 🪷🐒
#lixuan #otp #dislyte #liling #tangxuan #ship #bl #tangxuanxliling #nezha #sunwukong #loveislove #art #myart
ok... first post on art acc... prolly gonna flop bro... #BoBoiBoy #BoBoiBoyHalilintar
Happy birthday Ci @S_GraciaJKT48 🥳 Ciee dah masuk SMP nih 13 thn 🤣💚 Org baik pasti dikelilingi org baik pula , Semoga Semua harapan nya tercapai Aamiin Wish you all the best my world 💚💚💚
Happy birthday ci @S_GraciaJKT48 💜💚 Semoga sehat, bahagia selalu, segala impiannya tercapai, dikelilingi orang orang baik, dan selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan. Dan sesuai jikonya "Always Smile", semoga hari harimu selalu begitu. Makasi udh jadi moodboosterku🫶🏻 #GREMATSURI
Habede mb ijo @S_GraciaJKT48 sehat terus, hepi terus, dan selalu dikelilingi orang2 baik ✨ #GREMATSURI
I would've bought his skin but since its a reward for the top player in warm up battles theres no way I'll get him. But that also means my love isn't strong enough if I can't fight for him 😭😭😭 So I'll draw rowdy boy instead 😔
#dislyte #dislytefanart #LiLing
Naya art throughout the past year 💕
Each hold a special place in my heart!!
🎨#nayatwt @/aKindNoodle @/Astral_Lilin @/erica_illust @/VirusCat_
@vnsn__ Jual NFT juga gak laku2,
Realistis aja tukang gambar keliling, yg pnting kluarga bisa makan tiap harinya aamiiinn
Bismillaah permisi kak titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
@bakpao_lucu baru bikin tapi buat yume sama yanfei ehe, blm nentuin bajunya tp dia sodara jauh yae yg gamau jd miko shrine jadi dia rebel mau keliling dunia😆😆
masih muda kadang mudah dibegoin krn dia masih instinct dluan drpd mikir wkwk
some.. some pictures are missing. and this... this is all that's left. :') bruhhhh
Demi populariti dan duit, sangup merosakkan diri dan orang sekeliling. Berhati-hatilah.
For the sake of popularity and money, willing to destroy themselves and the people around them. Be careful.
#kemvesofficial #kemves_official #kemvestudios