Nobody knew why Grandma Toast kept a weird zebra on the mantelpiece...

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おはようございます😃本日は晴れ☀️足元は、 🇮🇹のキルトローファーにしました。ついに、靴下見せる😆さあ 今週も頑張って仕事行ってきます!💪

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Uh. Dafür, dass der Mantel auf keinen Fall weiß sein sollte, sieht das doch recht nice aus ´- ˋ...

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Upgrade for Band 4 done I guess / D

Die Mantelfarbe ist natürlich so gewählt, weil ein gewisser Admiral sie immer trägt. Oder vielleicht, weil jemand anderes rote Haare hat und der Mantel sie an ihn erinnert?



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( Dekmantel/Ghostly International) comes to Asia! 📣

Sunday 22nd - Circus Tokyo 🇯🇵

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“Apple blossom” (1978) Henk Helmantel, from the Netherlands (b. 1945)

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Eigentlich mag Anthony die gestrickten Sachen überhaupt nicht (ursprünglich gehörte ihm nur der Mantel), aber er traut sich nicht, es den Frauen zu sagen.
Sie wollen nicht, dass er sich erkältet, weil sie dann seine "schönen Predigten" nicht mehr hören könnten

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Nuova collaborazione con .rdr 🐚 il tema Happy Trash Holiday è stato interpretato da .mantello 🐬

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Si ce gars c'est pas le prochain
"ololo tu crois que je suis sympa mais en faite je gère une mafia de l'ombre qui se fera démantelé par un gamin de 11 ans bloody hell"

je mange mon chapeau

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Meet Iguanodon, a giant herbivore first named in 1825 by Dr Gideon Mantell. It walked upright as well as on all fours and had a distinctive thumb spike, which was originally thought to have been on the end of its snout

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In una delle prime versioni della sceneggiatura di FFVII, i cloni di Sephiroth non erano persone, bensì parti di Jenova che fluttuavano nell’aria avvolte in mantelli scuri. Nel corso del gioco si sarebbero man mano manifestate come parti del corpo di Jenova... (1/2)

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Just seen the exciting news that the final part of Hilary Mantel's Cromwell trilogy with be published next year. Read her "A Letter to Thomas More, Knight" in the first volume of series

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Kamikaze im Regenmantel

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Display or no display. Grayson’s Perry’s Brexit vases, officially known as ‘Matching Pair’ go on show today, March 29, at ⁦⁩ in a stunning location on Level 4. Couldn’t be a better home for them, on what Grayson has called ‘Britain’s mantelpiece’.

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Eliza Mantel aka FireFrost 🔥❄️ tries to control her new found powers as Charles freaks out in the back 🤣 Malika - Fallen Queen Part One will introduce a host of new characters to the YouNeek YouNiverse. Keep an eye out for the Kickstarter launching this April.

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A few muscle reconstructions of cretoxyrhina mantelli based on its closest possible relatives, pseudocarcharias (crocodile shark) and alopias (thresher sharks)

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"An excellent mini-series that exemplifies the art of Lovecraftian storytelling."

reviews The Whispering Dark from , Tomás Aira & Mauro Mantella, on sale tomorrow from


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