welp this is the 100th time I redid this challenge and... i see improvements
I let this sit for like a good week or 2 before posting it because I didn't want to be blinded by my eagerness and perfectionism

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I'm trying to get over my perfectionism and just post more pictures that make me happy. :)

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Trying to let my perfectionism go so I can produce more content. No, that doesn't mean my quality is going to drop, but I know I haven't been releasing because it hasn't felt like my tracks are good enough. But, I know there is always something to perfect.

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🍦I finally finished a project close to my heart 💕 I had this concept in mind for at least half a year before I finally started it, and it took over a month to complete due to other responsibilities, perfectionism, and this being a whole new challenge ~ poster coming soon

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Restarted this one a few times before i remembered that was to battle perfectionism and went with it.

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15: Although my juices for sketching are low atm, the good thing about it is that I can work on curing my perfectionism (perfecting the comp, values, colors, light, drawing...) There's always something to be learned from the less glorious times.

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It turns out 10 minute limited color experiments are 100% my jam. Thank you for the suggestion ! I’m excited to try more of these. Nice to get out of the perfectionism mindset and just play with shape and color. Set the digital brush to oil paint, used my finger to draw

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⚾️🌻 KUMOTEN!!!!!

why is there literally no content of them... their relationship in act 6 is just so good and they both have similar past trauma relating to failure and perfectionism... they want to become stronger and better themselves!! also tsundere and sunshine boy ;-;

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I have a bunch of stuff I never post because it’s incomplete or I think it’s stupid and I’m self conscious, but I’m trying to get over my perfectionism.

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カブトムシ!Perfectionism! a you ready?変身!

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カブトムシ!Perfectionism! ベストマッチ!

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My therapist recommended me trying exposure therapy (heh ironic) to help me win against my fear of failure/perfectionism that I’ve associated with my art. So here’s some WIPs I’ve been working on and some monster of mine I’ve been doodling for my still non-existent nsfw Twitter.

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will keep you cramped &insane your wholeLife
It's the obstacle between you & a ShittyFirstDraft

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is next week!


Who's ready for a month of furious sketching? Who's ready to beat perfectionism? Who's ready to try new stuff?

Who's in? 💪

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> found a cool font for updating comic's title
> decided to zoom a bit
> *screams in perfectionismish*

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I drew my friend’s FFXIV OC, and it was my first time trying a more quick, sketchy style. This took me like an hour to do and my perfectionism was killing me the whole way through, but you know it was actually kinda fun?

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my perfectionism is coming out while editing these https://t.co/WjVzn3ol3n

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Perfectionism got the better of me: I abandoned my 1st attempt & began again. Here's my new and improved day 2. Hope my 3yo and 3mo sons let me work on Day 3 tomorrow 😂 More on what I learnt on my https://t.co/d0I6diKipv

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One round of stomach issues and procrastination later and he is finished! (Until perfectionism kicks in bad lol.)
My lil by and my betta baby inspired mer character!

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