Adeline (Sushi Dog), Haribo (Shiberoll), Jinx (Sushi Dog), Kei (Sushi Dog)

AKA I reuse the same base four times to save on time. Give me a break, I have over 50 characters left to draw!

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I wonder if the next costume version we're getting is going to be one from the upcoming OVA's...

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Cell shaded commission of cute shiber
good boye

47 391

This is the result of my first drawing on Clip Studios after months! I like this one. I used the 's style, I thought it would looks nice!

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A shiber🐶 and a noodler🐍

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Постер до нових OVA серії "Так говорив Кішібе Рохан" (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan), відомої в Японії під назвою "Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai" (Кішібе Рохан не рухається).

Детально про ці OVA ми писали раніше в ТГ:


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A ShibeRoll adopt for Halloween! <3

25$ Flat Sale! <3 Comment to claim!!

Crossposted to DA:

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I've loved for as far as I can remember... as any good east coast canadian girl can probably say...
I guess were my first

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First day of Fall, time to harvest some mushroom with Mushiberoom or should it be shibeshroom? 🍁🍂🍄🌰

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Fashion Shiber wearing large jacket

8 49