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#TerryBogard #テリー・ボガード
#RockHoward #ロック・ハワード
#SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ
About Terry's ending in SNK Heroines...
Some believe that dreams are visions about the future.
Terry dreamed about Rock's betrayal, something that happened in Garou Mark of the Wolves.
#MignonBeart #ミニョン・ベアール #KOF #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ #KOFAS
Mignon is a young white magic witch-in-training.
She is clumsy but very cheerful 😊
She would be perfect for SNK Heroines (or KOF All Stars)
This picture was made by えまり
#XiaoLon #シャオロン #KOFXV #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ
Xiao Lon was a great addition to the KOF universe.
Too bad she hasn't appeared in more games!
This beautiful member of the Hizoku clan should return for KOF XV (or SNK Heroines!)
#MaiShiranui #不知火舞 #SNKヒロインズ #SNKHeroines #KOFXV
Mai has had so many costumes over the years.
My favorite is her alternative costume in KOF Maximum Impact 🔥❤
I hope to see this costume again for KOF XV or SNK Heroines as DLC
This picture was made by DeadPhoenX
#シェルミー生誕祭 #KOF #SNK #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ
#MignonBeart #ミニョン・ベアール #NinonBeart #ニノン・ベアール #KOFXV #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ
No matter how different they are,
the Beart sisters are pretty and awesome 🖤💖
Please SNK, bring them back 🙏 (KOFXV or SNK Heroines)
These pictures were made by juksay-orionis
#BlueMary #ブルー・マリー #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ #KOF
I will be honest,
I like Blue Mary's alternative costume in Maximum Impact Regulation A
It's really grown on me.
I would like to see her in SNK Heroines
wearing this costume again
This picture was made by sowel (sk3)
#ルイーゼ・マイリンク #LuiseMeyrink #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ #KOFXV #KOF #TheKingofFighters
Sometimes I wonder what Luise Meyrink would look like in a classic KOF game
Hopefully see this alien lady back in KOF XV or SNK Heroines 😄
These portraits were made by Blueblood2
#MaiShiranui #KOFXV #不知火舞 #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ #KOF
Mai's alternative costume in Maximum Impact is by far my favorite.
She looks even more beautiful ❤🔥
Thank you @falcoon_master
Too bad we didn't see it in SNK Heroines.
Would you like to see this costume again?
#ミニョン・ベアール #MignonBeart #KOF
#SNKヒロインズ #SNKHeroines
#neko #KOFXV
Mignon Beart, the clumsy magician.
The self-proclaimed rival of Athena Asamiya.
I love her alternative costume.
I like cat girls 😊
I would love to see Mignon in SNK Heroines or KOF XV
#KOFXV #SNKヒロインズ #SNKHeroines
#MaiShiranui #LillyKane #BonneJenet #BlueMary
Look at those beauties 😍
Who is your favorite?
Some costumes in Maximum Impact Regulation A were awesome!
Thank you @falcoon_master
I would like to see these ladies in the same game again.
#SNKヒロインズ #SNKHeroines #ChaeLim #XiaoLon #NinonBeart #Malin #MiuKurosaki #Momoko #MayLee #Athena #LillyKane #HotaruFutaba #Nagase #LuiseMeyrink #MignonBeart #Hinako #LiXiangfei #KOF #SNK
From this list.
Choose three ladies you would like to see in SNK Heroines as DLC.
SNKブースでは今年発売予定の『サムライスピリッツ ネオジオコレクション』の初試遊を実施!さらにコミュニティ主催による『KOF XIV(SWC予選大会)』『餓狼MOW』『サムライスピリッツ零SP』『SNKヒロインズ』の大会も開催!ぜひお立ち寄りください。 #SNK
【やりたいコスプレ メモ】
#Juri #SNKHeroines #GalaxyFight #Sunsoft #SNK #DLC #FANART #SNKヒロインズ #ジュリ #ギャラクシーファイト #サンソフト
オイラの仲間, jettmanasさんが作ったイラストだ! ジュリをSNKヒロインズに!
Illustrations made by my comrade jettmanas! Juri for SNK Heroines!