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I really love Christmas elf drawings of and so I made a Christmas elf drawing of myself!
I really love her art style, gorgeous

My elf is a jester in a cute striped gown🥰🤡✨

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A Little holiday gift while I’m away in Korea! Have a blessed Christmas Day, and Always be whole!

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At Christmastime I like to travel
and am far from the children's jubilation
and go into the woods and snow alone
And somewhere in the woods for an hour,
I trace the scent of childhood
deep down into my mind
and I'm a boy again.

poem & 🎨Hermann Hesse

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Happy holidays!🎄🎉 I finaly sat down and started to draw again. This time I did this from ski 😊 I changed some things up to make it more my own. I realy enjoyed the process!


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The best gift this year... is spending it together! Sending you our wishes for a wonderful Christmastime~!

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Wonderful Christmastime

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I see y'all pushing for Rahstinien, and I WILL doodle that.

But atm, I got sucked into Rahstimeric softness.

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[ ] Para concluir con este lindo evento, un dibujo hecho para sTaXx con su personaje de Minecraft y de Counter.
También me gustó mucho su vestimenta del Rewind del año pasado, espero le agrade este obsequio 💙
Lo queremos, titán

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A Christmas Eclipse - Part 10

Uh oh.~ Looks Eclipse is becoming a giggle tree after all.~

Don't worry, he deserves it. He can be a meanie.~

26 171

(Spending too much time on making dumb memes is my favourite pastime)

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