11/**an illustration with a spaceman walking through space and stars in the background, in the style of psychedelic rock, gigantic scale, robert kirkman, dark, foreboding colors, mushroomcore, album covers, elaborate spacecrafts --v 5**

(Original Left)

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It's still february wich means it's still time! Here's another one of my older mushy girls drawings. Her name is happy hannah 😊

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Tag 1: Mushroomcore!

Mushroomcore muss nicht unbedingt heißen, dass man sich als Pilz kleidet, aber ich fand die Idee süß!


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Happy valentines day! Remember that love comes in all forms! You can also get this drawing as a wallpaper and postcard if you join my patreon this month 💕

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💖 ‘Rainbow Aura Bun-Bun’ 💖
Pen & coloured pencils; 2022.
Original drawing available here at 20% off until the end of November! https://t.co/pNiKGtDwKN

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A cute little mushy drawing that I made a while back. This was printed on little thank you flyers that each customer get's when they buy something from my shop or at conventions 😊

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This egg mushroom boy needs to stay away from the kitchen or he'll be mistaken for breakfast 😅

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