Taku will be voiced by Munakata Jin, who has an extensive resume in traditional Eroge but was also in Love Delivery’s Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan FD as Karasumagoroumaru Takahisa..

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As a special treat, this month’s mail reward is TWO Sailor Moon au art prints! Shampoo from Ranma½ as Super Sailor Moon & Tenjou Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena as Sailor Uranus.

Pledge at the $10 tier this month to receive them!

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🌈、๋⌲ Utena Tenjou e Anthy Himemiya — Shoujo Kakumei Utena

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Favorite pink anime characters, nominated by

Akari Mizunashi
Utena Tenjou
Doremi Harukaze

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Ok, time to continue the list!
11 is Tenjou Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena, I love girls with swords and the anime is a classic

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Don't forget with Utena Tenjou as the producer and manager of the zombie boyband version like Tatsumi and Ginko Yurishiro as zombie pet bear like Romero.

Just imagine of them like that.


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I like her pose but everything else is a bit meh!
But idk, I kinda love Utena despite the insanity of the entire series?? GIRLS WITH SWORDS GIRLS WITH SWORDS GIRLS WITH SWORDS GIRLS WITH SWORDS GIRLS WITH SWORD

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Tenjou Utena as The High Priestess and Justice tarot cards. Illustrations provided by Shoujo Kakumei Utena series mangaka, Saitou Chiho. These cards were scanned from my copy of the 1997 Ciao furoku tarot card deck. https://t.co/E618YdsDra

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Nobody puts this girl in a dress, especially one without pockets.

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Second goes to Utena Tenjou and Anthy Himemiya from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.⁣

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I've had this idea to make an older magical girl character with a design based on Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena for a while but never really liked what I came up with
And today I was driving in the car and thought "man, white with red and black accents is hot"

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