A peculiar mix of personalities

Thunderbolts, loud and argumentative, divisive
Soft rain falling, easy going and couldn’t care less
Starry nights, romantic, creative, super relaxed


0 11

Her love a
I was old fashioned

Her love a thunderbolt
I was too simple for her

Her love a thunderbolt
She was passion personified

Her love a thunderbolt
She changed me
Love fire, lit on both sides

35 123

inside me
the firm distal end of
my tree lover
Ultimate dominant
of Reaming Ceremony
On first night of
my real bloom
with scared anticipation
naively i surrender
Like a virgin
I quiver with
pain and Ecstasy
With a cry
I became
eternally his loot

35 183

I polished the hearth
to spitting perfection

d mirror I scrubbed
hours n hours

I put bursting rosebuds
in my hair hung

yearning on door
U tarry~

pale lily of sky
wanes away
we share our woes talk

berate the notorious ravaging innocent hearts

33 112

TikTok! Time To Shine The Light©️

times can have compromisin, caught up in a dark, dreary, eVil hole over the TikTok, TikTok, time to shine the LIGHT!

0 0

He loved her
His kiss would prove it
Though his words were scorned
His heart poured out
Upon her thirsty lips
Yet after all that
She was
About her own heart
So with emotions
Torn asunder
He let her go
To find it
And she searches

7 50

We were clambering uphill when Jude looked over at me. His face blanched. “STOP!” he yelled, pointing towards the ground.

I paused, afraid. The stench of death filled my nostrils before I spotted the mangled corpse just a yard away.

4 13

As I sit
No emotion
in thought
I’ve lost devotion
Winters chill
Surrounds my heart
I can’t break the ice
That rips me apart
Then I see you
I begin to thaw
Your my fire
My molten core
You smelt my heart
It’s ore extracted
Creating a ring
Built from my passion

1 16

In the still
of depreciation
I've left my soul again
Motion struck
in backlit clouds
Up high
must be a wind
Bookends finding
new beginnings
against which
life is pinned

11 61

“Ma'am, I don't appreciate being summoned over normal—”
“That wasn't in front of my house last night, what pray, is normal about that?"
“That is the tree of ma'am, it goes where it wills, I take it you didn't read the planet relocation broucher?

1 10

The wind brings back memories. Of a similar wind from years ago, laden with the scent of the sea, & the fluttering whispers of a million golden-yellow monarch butterflies, all perched tenderly on the nodes of an old oak Each node, a leaf, a moment in time, a story.

8 41

Behind broken
umber eyes reflecting
this cordovan colored sunset
rays refract onto
my sea-salted soul

My outward gaze drifts
within that impossible line
between Heaven & Earth

& my inward spirit
waifers in waves
of my love for you

a horizonless, star-jeweled sea

15 63

Pastel sun peeks through.
Spring dreams diffused in white fog.
Winter's closed curtains.

13 98

From her dreams she spies
a sea where seabirds play
& the azure sky is simply elite

Something is amiss, she realizes
as her world of spun illusions tips
& her sea pours over her feet

Sadness she feels
minded & doesn’t understand what it reveals


19 81

Gone. That's what he'd tell the probing lickspittles. It was a perfect system for one of his status. When they inquired where the entire town had gone off to, he'd shrug with high-born they'd nod their imperious heads and never bother to ask if he'd done it.

3 58

Otters will not be If you visit you must bring their favorite fruit or don’t show up at all. Lingonberries. If you add them to ice cream you’re a VIP. The otter king and queen will sing songs of praise to you as puffins dance in circles.

1 40

She, the one that darkness
comes to for comfort
She, the light that pulls
the pain to harbor in her
She, the caller who calms
the blackened tempest
She, the selfless beacon
who calls to him to stir

She, cannot be
She, lets him be
She, is his love


23 122

Naked Tales©️

No is ever seen without eyes of lies, and ears who hear little “naked tales.”


1 5

Words crashing to a halt
Lost in aesthetic saturation
blinding ignited
quiet glow
contacts of reason
shadow blooms iridescent
molten flow in crevices
slurping fluidic bliss

2 23

She rubbed her arms to keep the chill from sticking to her bones. Turning to the hearth, she made quick work of tending to the flame. It consumed her with a spark, taking on a human shape, finger-like tendrils & crackling eyes awaiting her command.

16 98