Can't wait for
Please help everyone!!!X( Daryyyyyl=3

7 4

I watched ep4! soooo exciting!!!TWD is the best TVshow ever. I love Beth&Daryl❤️ can't wait!!!X)💕

1 2

袖破くとかマジCOOL!…TWDのDaryl Dixonと銀魂の鯱さんを混ぜた結果。

3 1

Así quedo el retrato de Carl de twd que estaba realizando ayer

6 11

Hi Norman:)
I watched exchting!TWD is Great!!
Congratulation on reunion Daryl&squirrel❤️

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4 4

S5 started in JAPAN.I watched just now!Sooooo exciting!!
TWD is the best drama.ILYSM!Thank u♥

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1DAY!!!!! s5
returns in JAPAN.
I♥#Bethyl 's the Finger scene:)

10 13