Dave Fennoy does the voices of Lee (TWD), Warlord Okeer / Ronald Taylor / Tarak (ME), Gabriel the Warrior (Minecraft Story Mode), and Slobber Tooth (Skylanders)

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4 female characters that mean alot to me
Max Caulfield
Commander Shepard
Lara Croft

Honorable mentions: Chloe & Kate & Steph (LIS), Clementine (TWD), Rey & Leia & Ahsoka (SW)

Tagging: Anyone who hasn't particpated yet

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今天是帶狗上班日~ Take Your Dog To Work Day
(英语:Take Your Dog To Work Day,簡稱為TYDTWD),國際節日,每年六月的最後一個週末,在這天,鼓勵企業讓員工可以帶著自己的寵物上班。

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