every time I see a superlative sign with my name on it in the hallways

1 13

Salvador Dali. Illustration for Dante’s “Divine comedy”, 1951

14 15

Prima ti ignorano, poi ridono di te
poi ti combattono Poi vinci


40 51

Perla del deserto
by Jennifer Steil (Author)
Book cover artwork by Hajin Bae
Rizzoli, Italy. 2016

1 4

Amare o aver amato basta...
non c'è altra perla da scoprire nelle pieghe tenebrose della vita.

5 12

mi aesthetic: perla salvando a las otras perlas que ni siquiera quieren ser salvadas

16 18

quien necesita el perla x blue pearl cuando podemos shippear yellow pearl x blue pearl

3 10

Superlate and I should really go to bed, but Outspoken Dialogue Editor is slowly taking shape :P

11 20