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新曲「FEEDBACK FACTOR」https://t.co/h374qLARQ5と短編漫画「HUGO」https://t.co/WEhOmRJcsGを公開しました

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happy birthday mr. felix hugo fraldarius

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Always feeling emo about my oc, Hugo, who've gone through & taken many roles in life. If I have to tell his whole story it'd take too long & I should be putting that on his Toyhouse profile instead.

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Don't get me started yet for Hugo, he has a really long explanation & made impact on Rone & Julian's relationship. So I guess that's another day to tell.

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Felix Hugo Fraldarius - Fire Emblem

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Some early 1920s articles from Hugo Gernsback's 'Science and Invention' magazine (SFE entry: https://t.co/zBeBGmCkOY):

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Joyeux anniversaire - Hugo -

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30 minutes after mentioned wanting to make one of these for Hugo I regained consciousness and found these on my screen???

They might be a century too late to qualify as Kens though 😔

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Karna waktu di kkp, adminnya selalu bikin meme Hugo pake tulisan H. Taran, makannya readers nyebut nya jadi haji Taran 😭😭

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This appeared to me in a vision and I had to make it IMMEDIATELY

Peppino Hugo.

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Demian orng Inggris, Hugo orng Itali, dan Sonya orng Russia ☝️sebenernya rata-rata ocku bule karena gk asli orng Indonesia, tapi mereka yg paling enak dipanggil bule https://t.co/GAr8VmqzMy

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Então ja fazendo rapido aqui
Engenheiro mecânico

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Compartilhe um fato inútil sobre seu Oc ✨

Hugo ja teve o apelido de Curry quando criança, ja que é a comida favorita dele🍛 https://t.co/71OnbLDAXm

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I've been thinking about Leos Ceremonial Uniform...what if his red shirt is actually more like a vest, being Hugo-inspired?

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