when u dead on the inside but outside too

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Xenogears was out on this day in 1998. The popular RPG wove religion and philosophy with sci-fi and drama.

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「philosophilia(フィロソフィリア)」とは、「philosophy(哲学)」と「 philia(〜の病的な愛好)」という単語を組み合わせた造語なんだ。「哲学フェチ」みたいな意味だね。

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Philosophy in the Boudoir
The Lesson of Music
The Blank Cheque

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Val Bishop has many influences in her art & loves to explore philosophy in her works. https://t.co/EFKOQ3hg5D

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Val Bishop has many influences in her art & loves to explore philosophy in her works. http://t.co/EFKOQ3hg5D

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【アリス展お迎え品】①中野夕衣()さん♡ ②Nostalgia Philosophy*()さん♡ そして③Capricieux.()さんのポチ袋補充♡ ←愛用品(笑)

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Val Bishop has many influences in her art & loves to explore philosophy in her works. http://t.co/EFKOQ2ZEH3

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Val Bishop has many influences in her art & loves to explore philosophy in her works. http://t.co/EFKOQ3hg5D

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Val Bishop has many influences in her art & loves to explore philosophy in her works. http://t.co/EFKOQ3hg5D

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