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Federico amor de mis amores ❤️❤️

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Your base is confederacy lead by a guy who thinks your wife is ugly!

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Other ships began to withdraw. Farragut, lashed high in the rigging of the Hartford, ordered them back forward, famously saying “Damn the torpedoes”, and then ordered full speed. The fleet charged into the bay and defeated the Confederate batteries and fleet.

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His first task was to capture the , which he accomplished in April, 1862, by daring to run his fleet past the Confederate positions at Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi River.

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I wish the people's health was as important as the confederacy to Donald!

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Isabelle commission for Timlegionfederationa in inkbunny

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The local Confederate commander, Theophilus Holmes, had over 7500 men available for the assault. The Union commander, General Benjamin Prentiss, had only 4100 troops, having seen over 10,000 men depart to reinforce the army at Vicksburg just days before.

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More quality to CG. I'm building for a launch at the end of the year. I will be publishing a letter of endorsement from with tribute art and debut Hayvard Saint's 8: Federal Offensive Responders. Can't wait to share it! Writer/Creator. I penciled vehicle pinup.

0 1

I'm fine with all of it. I want to bring more quality to CG. I'm building for a launch at the end of the year. I will be publishing a letter of endorsement from with tribute art and debut Hayvard Saint's 8: Federal Offensive Responders. Can't wait to share it!

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my parents marriage lasted longer than the confederacy

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My friend is playing Bomber Crew and I’m simpin over Felix Feder

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"Papà , come mai siamo stati capaci di eleggere il nostro primo presidente nero, con le statue dei generali confederati ancora in piedi?"
"Siamo maturati come paese, e poi siamo diventati immaturi."

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concept art of a Rubesian-Lysgopian Federation spacecraft

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Laivayhtiön talon (Hämeenpuisto 6) sisäpihan puolta, Mustanlahden suunnalta nähtynä siis. Viivat kuulakärkikynällä ja värit iPadillä. / Loose on-site sketch of an Art Nouveau building located in central designed by Birger Federley.

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+700 is about the Terran Federation, a socialist society recovering from its hypercapitalist-fascist past

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