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This is Princess Topi a magical princess of the Yoshis 😄

what do you think? Also this is my last draw for today... I'm gonna go to bed soon 😴

Also Topi's pose is a reference to a different game character wanna guess who 😃

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Redid my old Goombalings piece and added Kamek too. Fitting, considering the Koopalings were added to SMM2.

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So I tried out this different kind of art style with Mario. As you see, it is very bright.

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Not big on Metal Mario being everywhere, but I do like the crystal theming from Smash Bros. and his theme in Super Mario 64 is pretty great.

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for remember who is the NUMBER ONE army grunt. The Goomba.
Don't accept any lesser replacements like Goombules or Shrooblets!

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Another special piece. Back when Pokemon Subspecies were the "Cool Thing" to make, I decided to one-up (HA) them and do one on Goombas and Mushrooms.
Didnt stick as well hahaha

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