Badass of the lower ward, keep your valuables away from Anra the... “mechanic”

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Have.... To.... Reach.... The.... Last....evolution.... HHHHRRRGGGHHH

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Biscuit of the week goes to the... Wagon Wheel. Illustration found on

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全国のTSUTAYAにてレンタル限定リリースされました、V.A『across the.....』6曲目の楽曲制作でfear from the hateのKouichi君、Hiro君とコラボさせて頂いてるので是非チェックお願いします☆

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what will be?
And anything. Everything will be as is. everyone has cares. ...And I live, I go, I laugh, I breathe...

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An apple a day keeps away?

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One more sleeve and I'll be able to send it. I mean, submit it. in the... >.<

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We wants it, we needs it. Must have the...HAMBURGER!

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Color WIP of the... dum-deee-dum... Emilio Mansion! First comic page I colored with my new Cintiq! :)

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A pretty cool piece by that I found in Oslo. The edges are really good on the...

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Creature the... Creature played by George Hudson - drawing by

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Can't...breathe...too much noodles in my system...expanded. Urgh...

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青:"Kagami... Kagami--haa... It's getting harder to... breathe... a--!"

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