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2021.5.19 퇴근송 / Bodhisattva - Steely Dan
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #steelydan #bodhisattva #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.5.13 퇴근송 / Thunderstruck - AC/DC
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #acdc #thunderstruck #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.5.12 퇴근송 / Ebony Eyes - Bob Welch
진짜 오랜만에 들었는데 오늘 같은 날 듣기 “딱 좋아!” 🤡
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #bobwelch #ebonyeyes #혜은이 #검은눈동자 #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.5.7 퇴근송 / Whatever (Remastered) - Oasis
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #oasis #whatever #liamgallagher #noelgallagher #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.5.6 퇴근송 / Until It Sleeps - Metallica (@Metallica)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #metallica #untilitsleeps #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.30 퇴근송 / Your Song - Elton John
재택, 불 꺼진 방에서 거의 움직이지 않고 일했다.
그래도 감사한 날, 오늘은 그런 날.
좋은 노래, Thanks 🙂
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #eltonjohn #yoursong #50th #scribbling #illustration
2021.4.29 퇴근송 / Better Now - Post Malone (@PostMalone)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #postmalone #betternow #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.26 퇴근송 / Wind Song (바람에 바람) - Emile Mosseri (@emilemosseri)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #windsong #바람에바람 #emilemosseri #미나리 #minari #윤여정 #yuhjungyoun #oscars2021 #scribbling #illustration
2021.4.25 퇴근송 / Crocodile Rock - Elton John (@eltonofficial)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #eltonjohn #crocodilerock #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.18 퇴근송 / Without Me - Eminem (@Eminem)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #eminem #withoutme #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.9 퇴근송 / Bennie And The Jets (Remastered 2014) Elton John (@eltonofficial)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #eltonjohn #bennieandthejets #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.8 퇴근송 / Eye In The Sky - Alan Parsons Project (@alanparsons)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #alanparsonsproject #eyeinthesky #bluesky #viewmaster #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.5 퇴근송 / Bizet: Je Crois Entendre Encore From The Pearl Fishers-Joshua Bell (@JoshuaBellMusic)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #thefather #anthonyhopkins #joshuabell #jecroisentendreencorefromthepearlfishers #illustration
2021.4.4 퇴근송 / Flor D'luna (Moonflower) - Santana (@SantanaCarlos)
Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful performance 🌼🌝🌼
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #santana #flordluna #moonflower #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.4.3 퇴근송 / The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia - Vicki Lawrence (@vickilawrence)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #vickilawrence #thenightthelightswentoutingeorgia #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.3.31 퇴근송 / Pink - Aerosmith (@Aerosmith)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #aerosmith #pink #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.3.27 퇴근송 / Save Your Tears - The Weeknd (@theweeknd)
비 🌧 내리는 토요일 저녁, 위켄드가 위켄드 했다.
듣고 또 듣고… 최고의 선곡 🤘🏻🥸🤘🏻
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #theweeknd #saveyourtears #saturdaynight #illustration
2021.3.24 퇴근송 / I'll Be Seeing You(Duet with Iggy Pop) - Francoise Hardy
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #francoisehardy #iggypop #illbeseeingyou #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.3.23 퇴근송 / Dawning of Spring - Anson Seabra (@ansonseabra)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #ansonseabra #dawningofspring #pattern #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.3.19 퇴근송 / Adore You - Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #harrystyles #adoreyou #scribbling #drawing #illustration