Any of these factors can have a significant impact on breastfeeding, so it is critical that families have access to support during this trying time.

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Eu resolvi fazer esse presente pro meu bolinho e sua fic perfeita✊🏼🥺💜
Vão lá olhar a obra dela que tá um chuchu 😍

Espero que goste amg 😔👉🏼💜 tinhamu

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cringe because Zero from Mega Man X wouldn't be here

12 56

sad. We wouldn’t mine diamonds

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is when your favorites goes into nothing and why the hell is this even trending Likre bruh

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amazing. No more degenerate males.

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Phew😥 My eyes hurt from staring at this for too long tryna add the details😂 Different people will see this different ways. That ain't my problem 😂
Anyway. Presenting Halsey
I'm gonna go rest my eyes and back now🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️#halsey

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Love you girls !!💛 ✊🏼❤️

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in video, love their new album so much! When I listened it I knew I had to do an artwork inspired by this. Go stream it now !! ✊🏽🖤 (🎨Adbks on instagram)!

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