Our textile team have been lucky enough to win a huge commercial job from for their new gallery The studio is heaven, we have a court mantua, a polonaise and an a l’anglaise. Watch progress over the year

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Thanks to Anne Haworth for her lecture where we discovered the secret of immortality, peento peaches. Shame they only ripen every 3000 years!

Xi Wangmu’s Peaches of Immortality. Yū Hi.

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From All Things Georgian archives, 'Pretty in Pink' https://t.co/Fw7YniFcdQ

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For Excerpts from poetry written by the daughter of and Louis XVI while she was imprisoned during the French Revolution:
"I was your king's daughter
separated from all my family..." https://t.co/O5NBvsWFuB

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"The Swing" is a painting by French artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard and one of the masterpieces of the Rococo era. It depicts a young woman on a swing and a smiling young man watches her from a vantage point that allows him to see up into her dress.

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The Reichenbach Case – Industrial Espionage at Boulton & Watt: https://t.co/Z7C56FwcM7

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Eccentric London dentist Martin Van Butchell rode his purple painted pony in Hyde Park on Sundays and displayed his embalmed wife in his surgery. Find out why at https://t.co/viU76fsKxo

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A great curse and a great article title:
"Pox on Both Your Houses: The Battle of the Romeos"
by Leslie Ritchie (ECF 27.3-4 (2015)

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Watercolor created in 1790 by George Moutard Woodward that is titled "Preperations for a New Comedy" or "A Green Room in Town."

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Born 1717 David Garrick, actor & impresario, a key figure in reviving interest in the plays of

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The ECF archive is stuffed with fascinating
A curated special issue takes the guess-work out of searching.
The virtual issue on Propaganda is a sure thing:

Today is Family Day in Ontario, so the ECF office is closed.

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RT : On All Things we take a look at the Isherwoods, an brewing family from

7 8

“Thank you... I thought it might be too much...?”

Was there such a thing as ‘too much’ for the eighteenth century gentleman when it came to choosing an impressive outfit?

Find out at our next lecture Tue 19th Feb

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While authors didn't describe a low mood as "the blues," they did write about melancholy:
At Seventeen: Adolescence in Sense and Sensibility
by Shawn Lisa Maurer
ECF 25.4 (2013)

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On All Things we take a look at the Isherwoods, an brewing family from

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Getting another post in under the wire:
"The Vehicle of the Soul: Motion and Emotion in Vehicular It-Narratives"
by Sara Landreth
ECF 26.1, 2013

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