//Blood warning
So there has been a lot of Unhinged David art going around so my brain had the idea to make an Unhinged Kirby Dave because why the hell not.
Anyways hi

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someone challenged me to do a DnB oc, here's the result...

i hate thr bambi part of DnB lmfao, no hate for the oc's, just don't go wild like expunged lol

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holy shit it’s spike
he looks like an anime villain and he’s so hard to draw
type of mf to steal your lunch money and then immediately do a jojo pose

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A drawing of Algebraicaitrix I made a long while ago! (Yeah yeah, I know some proportions are a bit off, just shush.)

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oh my god this took me literally all day

I’m starting to like diamond man alot more he’s p cool
I don’t draw him often so this style for him will def change

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Sorry if garrett is gone but i agree with the creator but anyways here's some garrett arts

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It appears that the Nightcrawler and Diamond Man are fighting right now, who will win? The sequel (maybe) will answer that!

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Rip algebra 2 you will not be missed also a doodle

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I just made a headcanon that Dale, Butchatrix, and Algebraicaitrix used to have this game called “Who can annoy Badtrix the quickest” which was exactly what it sounds like: Annoying their Badtrix as fast as possible.

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