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I’m bad at coloring..😭😭😭
But I'm proud of myself!(lol)
I don't know why the moment Hiro said "destroy", I found him really cool!!!! * ̶f̶̶a̶̶n̶̶b̶̶o̶̶i̶̶i̶ ̶s̶̶c̶̶r̶̶e̶̶a̶̶m̶*

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そういえばベイマックスの原作の「Big Hero 6」日本語翻訳版が出てなかったから原語版買ったんですけど全然読めなかったんで無事積んでます。


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Coming next month are several Wal-Mart exclusive FiGPiNs! Head to our blog for more information on when these exclusives will be expected to hit stores!

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Con Hangry Panda los actores de voz de los personajes principales de están en la serie.

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I don't know where this ship come from, but I ship it !!!!!! They're so freaking cute! OMG!!!

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У меня как всегда есть более горячая версия, хихи
Захотелось сделать в образе Тадаши озо

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Well, these two were the two drawings I needed to repaint with some techiniques, as my test in Drawing and Expression's classes. The DA's watermark is here since I couldn't sign them ;(

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