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A spirit monster who may paralyze the threat with the use of its poisonous horn, leaving the threat helpless and open to the lion's venom.


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A Pokémon who chuggingly chugs stagnant water to absorb dissolved toxins, which it subsequently decomposes to produce power.

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A Pokémon who can generate energy by modifying poison's chemical composition. Through its skin, it transmits the electrical toxin.

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A Pokemon whose brain is attached to these stingers; it can telepathically converse with people and reveal them glimpses of the past.

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A Pokemon who chuckles hysterically as it sprays venom; it coexist with Naganadel in nests that resemble wasp, or hornet nests.

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Vegeta and Princess Jasmine and Elastigirl. Princess take all..

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A spirit monster whose venom is injected through the tail needles; they can even cause some serious illness or even death.

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A spirit monster who advanced doggedly toward his objective, regardless of the barriers in his path with eyes that see through the shadows.

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A spirit monster who continued to use magic to defend her community and its occupants, despite many people being afraid of her abilities.

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A spirit monster whose gourd can create illusions and control the minds of those it comes into contact with; it can also seal or trap opponents.

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A spirit monster who can take advantage of poison gas, unleashing a torrent of poison assaults that may soon render its opponents helpless.

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A Pokémon whose fluid has a different smell; it loves to dig holes in the ground and build its nests in big, spiky shrubs in densely forested places.

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