ヤトウモリ Salandit

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DIUAHDSHD This was so cute.
Raptor would use mostly Flying and Dragon types, being a DRG main she feels better in the air and all that. But also her last name is "Firestorm" and shes an AuRa, it wold be a CRIME not to put Salandit https://t.co/9GFSiyXNTF

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There's not many Pokemon that I truly hate. Carkol is probably objectively the worst pokemon ever. Salazzle makes me the most angry since Salandit was revealed on my birthday and was my favorite thing ever and I spent all of 2016 theorizing what it would evolve into. https://t.co/d0xCsrvwPk

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Breloom can be swapped out with Salandit depending on how I feel

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This next fakemon comm is for , featuring a branched evolution of Salandit! This adversary to Salazzle is Poison/Dragon Type, and doesn't rely on a reverse-harem of Salandit as it much rather prefers a solitary lifestyle.

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Bonus character of January voted by my patrons is coffee salandit! An NPC of mine that I play in every campaign I run.

endless endless coffee, working at staryubucks is a tough job and they need all the energy from the crazy little Salandit they can get!

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experimental doodle of salandit

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these first two are pretty neat! also color vomit and secret third salandit evo

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Machoke was found by his good friends the three Salandit, and they guided him up a tree, where they could rest together in a comfy nest.

Machoke was very bad at climbing, but they helped him up. "Up ya go, big guy. We got a full moon rissssing~" one of them said.

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It’s Salandit! Let us know what you think in the comments below and check back every day for more

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Primarina, Salazzle (and salandit), And raichu (alolan and og)! Primarina is so majestic, i love it! Salazzle and salandit have such interesting colors, and also LIZARD, and my bby Raichu is so under appreciated, like seriously pikachu gets everything >:/

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A male evolution of Salandit, known as Salavenge! Through either a strange mutation or the care of a trainer, Salandit has gotten enough food to evolve. A Fire/Dragon Type, Salavenge does its best to protect male Salandit from the females of their species.

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uh....there's not really a pokemon i dislike? i guess male salandit and combee......i wish that they evolved into a drone or something

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Top 4:
Dragonair is so elegant and beautiful
I love reptiles anyway, but Salandit is such a funny little guy
I like Charmeleon's teenage dragon aesthetic
Nidorina perfectly rides the line between tough and cute

Yes I know it's weird that I love these 3 Gen 1 mid-evos randomly...

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Somente Salandits fêmeas evoluem.

Isso é porque os machos são praticamente escravos das fêmeas e trazem pra elas a grande maioria da comida que conseguem.

Por estarem malnutridos, eles não conseguem evoluir.

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