Baphomet prints just restocked! Get em while they're hot 🔥🐐
Link in bio 🔼

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Hades, chants of the cold mouths, prays from the Tartaros - artwork created for the band Scoparia

Music by Corona Barathri & Melek-Tha

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Creative process and evolution of the development for this obscure manifestation of our dark goddess, in art and music /



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"During the night Nosferatu clutches his victim and sucks their blood like a gruesome life saving drink."
-The Book of Vampires

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Perhaps you consider yourself an oracle,
Mouthpiece of the dead, or of some god or other 🌑👁

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Lucifer / the black one aspect.
Satan / Ahriman - oil painting

Piece created for ing book - Scalding of Sapientia -

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