Here's some cute stuff by Hororo world

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nekomimi chororin?

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Gif of the week: Watermelon poopoo by Hororo world. More fun stuff here:

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Jangan lupa ya gaes, bakal ada tiga film pendek horor si kami yang tayang di Kineforum malam ini! Ramein yeh. Maaci~

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Parah si awal crita horor, ditungguin lanjuttanny malah ngasih foto musume 🔥🔥🔥

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Us ini horor jenius lah..kiamat ga melulu tentang bencana alam, invasi zombi, monster, alien dsb dsk dst 2dsd

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Long outta print, One of my all time fave folios. Night of the Shaggoth. Part horor, transformation, Lovecraft, Heavy Metal. A fun disjointed, out of sequence eerie lil erotic tale I just kept drawing and writing in an almost fever-like dream state. Enjoy

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Yth. Netizen Twitter yg budiman maupun yg tidak.
Apa yang kalian benci dan inginkan dari film/komik horor indonesia?

Mohon komentarnya. Trimss

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"The cold breath of the characters against the shadows chills our blood." Read my review of Jason Cobley and David Hitchcock's 'The Signal Man' on my blog at:

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TW: Gore

I'm gonna do my best to hold myself to a schedule this week! Here's a doodle I digitized, I'm quite fond of this one!

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VAMPIRONICA variant for the thrilling new 's horror series debut in March 2018 ! By team Greg and Megan Smallwood. More :

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HororiCorori blog: 【1/19発売】月刊comicリュウ3月号/表紙・巻頭カラー【予告】

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They are Garry and Ib from Ib - an old RPG horor
Ib was only 9 years old in the game and Garry was 21, so I made this "10 years after" vers

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HororiCorori blog: 【本日発売】「バタフライ・ストレージ」(2)【単行本】

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