I haven't uploaded anything in a while 🥲 studies and stuff 😑 .
so here is something for the pocky day

17 44

спустя два года я редравнула рисунок и пипец собой довольна

4 23

Edited the faces of a wip im working on.
I wanted to just have a bit of hororen in my life.... 💙💜🥺🙏✨

28 105

Me tomó mucho tiempo, es la primera vez que uso sombras superpuestas

3 11

Ta-da there you go... I've finished it 😊 and I guess it's great .
Isn't it ?!!!
Another shaman king fanart is complete 💯


14 59

i know ill need a separate thread for all the important parts on my read-through so here look at these fucking gorgeous boys

7 22

Adults moments!!💜💙

23 63

Day 7. Free day!
Horo's B-day +(bit of hororen)~
Happy Bday Horo!!! Thanks everyone who came to hang out and draw today!!! Mage of Mip

11 52

💙💜 ┈─ ;
ホロ蓮 · Day 05. no shamans AU ! ࣪₊♡
Baby HoroHoro and Ren drew their shaman's version. 🥺💕💕💕

8 31

It’s only the 24th for me but somewhere out there its the 25th, so I say that gives me the right to draw Horohoro and Ren together in maid dresses! 😎

Day 4: Maids

Idk if its well drawn enough to post, but I had fun making it! Well more than I usually do with art

8 20